Thursday, January 27, 2011

Caravan Cinema Conquers Climate Change!

Well, not completely, but "The Sol Cinema"is a pint-sized theater powered entirely by the sun!

Unfortunately for us Yanks, this non-profit project is based in the UK.

The traveling cinema is the smallest of its kind and can accomodate eight adults per showing, boasting a collection of music videos and short films with environmental themes.

The films are screened through an LED Projector and the photovoltaic panels absorb the sun constantly, even during showings, so the Sol Cinema will never run out of power.  The interior is playfully, almost lavishly, decorated with striped walls, blue chairs, and a red curtain framing the screen.

What a fantastic way to watch a film!  Hopefully someone can convert a trailer stateside and drive it around the country.  Maybe they could even screen classics like Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, or Singing in the Rain.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and umbrellas up.


  1. What a great idea! I'm sure (I hope) something like this will pop up in the United States.

  2. There's one theatre in Coolidge that can only hold around 8ish people. Unfortunately it's not solar powered, though I'm sure the Coolidge would love to be solar powered.
